maanantai 31. elokuuta 2009

Saturday 29 August

Davina and Daniel

Saturday 29 August (2)

6am Walk On Last Day

I gaze at the islands - soft as marshmallows now - on the horizon

I pick up a leaf

I slip on rocks

Spires point heavenwards

Friday 28 August (2)

Floral Pugnaculum

A work by Davina and Daniel - a wall of flowers planted around the fortress island

Friday 28 August (3)

Davina and Daniel Ferry Greetings (a provisional title) and a work in progress

DAY 18 - THURSDAY 27 AUGUST - the final greeting

Greeting the 14.20 ferry from Helsinki to the Island

Friday 28 August (4)

I have been told that our studio is haunted by a four foot tall woman dressed in white - this would suggest she is a child - who apparently walks up the stairs. I spoke to an artist who had previously worked in the studio, and they heard lots of banging and scratching noises. I never saw the ghost but it got me thinking ...

What does a ghost do, what EXACTLY is its daily business, does this include consciously scaring us ?

Would ghosts be surprised to know that they scare us ?

Are ghosts visible the whole time, or only when we are present to see it ?

Are ghosts visible the whole time, but only to
certain people ?

Is it possible to scare a ghost ? - if this so then perhaps I should consider wearing no clothes in the studio, this would surely scare the ghost away

How would we ever know the answers to such questions ?

Friday 28 August (5)

All of the Davina and Daniel Ferry Greetings -

on the studio wall

Friday 28 August (6)


Friday 28 August (7)


Friday 28 August (8)

Davina and Daniel Ferry Greetings (a provisional title) and a work in progress


Greeting the 14.00 ferry from Helsinki to the Island

torstai 27. elokuuta 2009

Friday 28 August (9)

Sininen Uni - A Finnish Lullaby

Every evening when lights goes out
and real night arrives
So Sandman rouses
and quietly knocks on the door
It has sleepy slippers
and with those it minces,
It sneaks other side of the door
and jumps behind the closet

And it has sleepy cap
and blue sleepy belt
and sleepy piece of ice cream
it eats with little teeth
and it has blue car
and that car hums like this:
Surrur, surrur and it dashes
towards to the dream's blue land

And little umbrella
is all tilted
and blue dream's book
it carries on it's lap
and to dreams blueland
it carries children with it's car
Surrur, surrur and there
is blue, sleepy road.

And there is golden forest
and at the forest is golden tree
and dream's blue bird
and on a bird golden mouth
and that dream's blue bird
it lulls to children.
It sings sleepy song

Friday 28 August (10)

Yesterday the Suomenlinna Treasure Hunt - a project devised by Anna Colin (curator-in-residence of HIAP/FRAME) and Veronika Spierenburg (HIAP artist-in-residence) - took place. The Treasure Hunt was a curatorial project involving the participation of artists from Helsinki and Suomenlinna, and took the form of a one-off guided tour around eight art works placed or performed on various sites in Suomenlinna. Each stop on the tour revealed an artwork – ranging from film and performance, to participatory projects – in corners and buildings of the island normally hidden from public view. The works responded in various ways to the local historical, socio-political or geographic context, and provided an insight into the civic life of Suomenlinna as perceived by the island’s short-term artist-in-residence inhabitants.

Artists: Noah Angell, Davina and Daniel, Ben Fain, Eric Hynymen, Pekcka and Lea Kantonen, Jaako Karhunen, Patrick mcGoohan (in The Prisoner), Carrie Schneider, and Veronika Spierenburg..

The tour was followed by refreshments at Restaurant Yläkerho.

One of the inmates from the Open Prison, who Davina and Daniel had been working with, was unable to participate in the Treasure Hunt, and so had written a postcard to us. During the Tour, I read the card out aloud, his fellow inmates all joined in shouting out the phrase -


Boxer Tov, Davina and Daniel - Me and Davina met yesterday at the harbour when I came back to the island. I told Davina that I cannot come tomorrow, and I'm really sorry for that. I have to go to the dentists at 3 o'clock. but I am with you in my mind, and also because I'm so happy because I got to make work with our art team !

We are the Winners !

Well, have a nice day !!

At the final destination on the tour, the treasure box was dug up by the youngest member of the tour. At the Restaurant Yläkerho, the treasure box was opened to reveal the three different tourist postcards made by the group from the Open Prison.

Friday 28 August (11)

Suomenlinna Treasure Hunt

Friday 28 August (12)

Suomenlinna Treasure Hunt

This boat was being moved when we stopped to hear about the history of the submarine held in dry dock on the island

Friday 28 August (13)

Suomenlinna Treasure Hunt - sheet paintings by Ben Fain

Friday 28 August (14)

Marching Band

Friday 28 August (15)

Supper In Oven

keskiviikko 26. elokuuta 2009

Thursday 27 August

Davina and Daniel Ferry Greetings (a provisional title) and a work in progress


Greeting the 19.00 ferry from Helsinki to the Island

tiistai 25. elokuuta 2009

Wednesday 26 August

LightHouse Performance (Part 1)

Wednesday 26 August (2)

LightHouse Performance (Part 2)

Wednesday 26 August (3)

LightHouse Performance (Part 3)

Tuesday 25 August

Preparations For LightHouse -
a performance taking place at midnight, and photos of performance

Tuesday 25 August (2)

Jackdaw Picks Up Fag

Tuesday 25 August (3)

Record Sleeve In Second Hand Clothing Store

Tuesday 25 August (4)

Break Up by Davina and Daniel

Night of the Arts Festival, Helesinki, 21 August 2009

maanantai 24. elokuuta 2009

Tuesday 25 August (5)

Davina and Daniel made this board

to celebrate the work of those who maintain the island - many of whom are from the Open Prison - we asked the inmates we were working with, to place the board in specific places where they had worked

Tuesday 25 August (6)

Davina and Daniel spent the day working with the group from the Open Prison in preparation for their participation in the Suomenlinna Treasure Hunt happening on Thursday - the inmates made signs, which they placed around the island at locations where they had worked

This man works in the prison run wood yard, he is standing on blocks of wood he has swawn

He liked the names and messages (some dating back to the 1800's) scratched into the rocks facing a vast expanse of sea, from Russian, Swedish and Finish soldiers - his message was

I Also Feel Lonely When Reading These

as the messages who would have been written by those missing their countries and their loved ones

This slogan was used as part of a performance in which this man approached a flock of Geese

A Live Sculpture

A Place To Spend Time

made by someone who also worked in the wood yard, where we managed to play a game of pool

The Free Spirit Puppet

Tuesday 25 August (7)

English Player Signs For Open Prison Team

Tuesday 25 August (8)

Davina and Daniel Ferry Greetings (a provisional title) and a work in progress


Greeting the 20.20 ferry from Helsinki to the Island

Tuesday 25 August (9)

Davina and Daniel Ferry Greetings (a provisional title) and a work in progress


Greeting the 19.00 ferry from Helsinki to the Island

Monday 24 August


sunnuntai 23. elokuuta 2009

Monday 24 August (2)

The cherries radiant red barely three days ago
are dull now on the trees

Monday 24 August (3)

The island is covered with bright button headed Tansy - I think you can use the herb as a cure for headaches - boil, and drink the liquid or use as a poultice ?

Monday 24 August (4)

Fighting Geese

Shortly before filming this the geese hissed
at a passing hare

Monday 24 August (5)


Monday 24 August (6)

Rocking Horse

Monday 24 August (7)

Sunday 23 August


Sunday 23 August (2)

A Late Night Walk

Sunday 23 August (3)

Davina and Daniel Ferry Greetings (a provisional title) and a work in progress


Greeting the 12.20 ferry from Helsinki to the Island