maanantai 31. elokuuta 2009

Saturday 29 August (2)

6am Walk On Last Day

I gaze at the islands - soft as marshmallows now - on the horizon

I pick up a leaf

I slip on rocks

Spires point heavenwards

1 kommentti:

  1. I speak english mostly and I do not understand what else you say, but I had to pick up the greetings from Finnland, because we are a little connected from ancient times.
    I live almost all may life in USA, but was born in Hungary and the hungarian language is related to the finnish and Estonia languages!.
    So much for the reason, and I am new in blogging and don't know many thigs how to do, but if you want to find me my name is Blue Bird
    and one of a blog URL:,
    but i also have blog with
    hope to hear from you in english. greetings from Blue bird also known as UglyFrog :-)
