torstai 20. elokuuta 2009

Friday 21 August (5)

At the end of the Performance Picnic held on wednesday evening, I read out some new pieces I have been working on since being here, a few tweaks here and there perhaps

daddy, is the stone dead or alive?

the boy warned by his mother



the stone

in his tiny hand

wails & wails & wails

not only is it

the only one of its kind

it took

millions & millions & millions

of years

to craft

dance macabre

it must have seemed like a dance

the cat - circling the mouse in the grass

me - moving to and fro, blocking its path

one of us intent upon inflicting death,

the other on foiling this desire

i gave up eventually

the cat always knowing this

narrowing eyes

erect tail flicking

flying ant

waiting to buy an ice cream -

it was, after all the first day of summer -

she accepted the stranger’s offer to remove a flying ant

from her hair

proving to be a somewhat



she remained silent


liking his fingers gently

untangling the creature

embedded in her long brown curls

while we go about our daily business here

Fish swim between the legs of swimmers

in the lake

a Cat toys darkly with a mouse

a brown Hare runs so fast it appears to move as if in slow motion

a Bee stings once, and dies


in the flattened grass

Snakes entwine round curled lovers

tonight i will dream

of taking a ferry

a few people sitting silent

in a city i walk in a market which is empty

at a Museum of Natural History there is a two headed calf

i buy a tube of paint

i buy chocolate

i buy some potatoes to make a soup

at a desk on an island

i write the words

tonight i will dream . . . .

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